Sheev Palpatine
Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design.
The Fall of Skywalker
The Last Jedi Temple Destroyed
Sanctuary Moon Massacre
Palpatine Completes Luke Skywalker’s Journey to the Dark Side
The Victory of Hoth
Alderaan’s Reckoning
Rebellion Massacre of Scarif
Destruction of Jedha
Death Star Construction Completed
Palpatine Defeats the Terrorist Galen Marek
The Jedi Temple is Condemned
Palpatine Survives the Battle of Coruscant
Chancellor Palpatine Deploys the Grand Army of the Republic
Battle of Geonosis Ignites a War
The Geonosian Jedi Massacre
Palpatine Elected Chancellor of the Galactic Senate
Palpatine Negotiates Naboo’s Freedom
Senator Palpatine’s Homeworld Invaded
Palpatine Elected Senator of Naboo
Elected Representative of Theed
Sheev Palpatine Is Born